Dive into My Saga

Greetings, I’m Srishti, and within the sphere of words, FlexyContent is my vast cosmos of creation. My odyssey as a content writer began in 2019, amid the corridors of a content internship. With each passing day, I discovered the value of perpetual refinement and constant upgradation.

Fueled by my endless curiosity, I resolved to expand my horizons. Thus, I started my journey of self-discovery. Immersed in the enigma of SEO intricacies, I passionately explored diverse writing realms, including:

  • Blog composition
  • On-page writing
  • Website content
  • Technical writing
  • API documentation
  • User manual
  • Non-technical writing
  • PR prose
  • Proofreading and editing
  • Canva designing 

I found myself thoroughly enjoying the subtleties of different writing fields.  FlexyContent is the outcome of these fruitful adventures. Here, I weave content masterpieces transparently to resonate deeply with my audience.


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About My

Let's Connect For An Insightful Collaboration!

This is FlexyContent, where I deliver expertise in editing, proofreading, and crafting website and on-page content. My on-spot SEO writing and engaging email content services is written with the intention to impact businesses. Moreover, you can trust my adeptness in user manuals, API documentation, PR writing, and technical article writing. Take your step towards success transforming your vision into reality with me!

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Jaipur, Rajasthan

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